Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cast me out from amongst you....

I do not fit into your pigeon-holes or predetermined figures. I am who I am - your approval isn't needed !!!!

I wear many hats, the court jester, the scholar, the philosopher, the poet, the romantic and the fool. I will dig your ditch and make you feel at ease as your laugh at my antics.

But try as you might I am the square peg in the round hole.

I maybe what you need, but not what you want.

Do not fret and worry for I do not when it comes to this.

I ask only that you do not try and make me conform to your wishes, for it is the end of me.

shackle the wind and stifle its voice, dam up the stream and risk the flood that ensues when it can be held back no more.

Leave it as it is intended to be and enjoy the beauty that it has!

Me, take it for all its worth as it is.

I am who I am !