Friday, January 29, 2010

writers block I sit here having the most wonderful Espresso Martini as I reflect upon the the days that have recently passed.

Unhappy with the quality perhaps, of course then again I am my biggest critic. The problem I have admittedly is that my best ideas and work come to me when I am in the most inconvenient places. Half asleep, in the car, in the shower, no where that I have pen no paper to record such witty expressions worthy of your reading.

Frustrated that I cannot live up to my own expectations....

Inspired by some of the people I follow... wishing I could regain the joie d'vie to write passionately.

the phone rang and the NTSB needs to come in because my train of thought has been derailed and there is a catastrophe in my head.

thoughts and ideas, fragmented, shattered, dismembered and disemboweled.

...the disappointing recurrence of late.

.. alas poor Yorick he too like my ideas has passed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

in due time - Spring Cleaning

Ideas they once were a plenty upon the tree of life, yet now as in winter they have dried and withered from the branch. Now fallen, hurried away by the stark winter winds never to be seen again…

…this is the story retold time and time again in my mind. Some seed sprouts and takes root. Lest I tend to it quickly, nurturing, it succumbs to the detritus of everyday life and once buried it becomes stifled and its muffled cries to be heard go unnoticed. Perhaps one day I will stumble upon it again. Hopefully then it will flourish rapidly, again exposed to the sunlight!

I long for the exhilaration of a conversation, posting of some astute individual, or intellectual debate to clean house in my mind.

“Take out the trash!”

Throw back the curtains drawn closed by the numbness of the mundane. Let in that energy, the sunshine, that has been deprived allowing the seeds to flourish and blossom into something beautiful for me to share.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Johari Window

Okay so you all know I stole this idea from R&V but anyways.....

Ponti's Johari Window Click on me

Friday, January 22, 2010

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
- Anonymous

My Dear friend it has been awhile since we sat in the company of each other. I regret this and feel remiss, but do not doubt that you are ever far from my thoughts.

It seems so long since I gazed into your eyes and saw your unequivocal love.
Recollection brings tears to my eyes…there were times we disagreed, but they seem faded and distant. The good memories are crowding them out and their glow casts the un-pleasantries further into the shadows. I am not ready to say goodbye, or face the fact we shall have no chance to create more memories together…

I will evermore remember you and each time I will wipe a tear from my eye. It will be one born from mixed emotions. Joyous and yet tainted with sadness for each memory will bring back our time together and fill my heart warmly, but all to soon it will remind me that you are gone and once again the cold pain shall pierce me to the core.

Be well…and hold dear in your heart that you have touched my soul, shown unto me the truth in love unconditional. I will always remember you and wonder if I was worthy to share your time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

elusive bastard mocks me. It is the evil twin of the balmy summer breeze. They both stand in the wings and laugh boisterously as I search for them. The icy grip of winter has replaced the comfort of the warmer months and now sleep has run away as well.

Night has become a parade of monodramas. Some more bizarre than the rest leave me puzzled at mornings arrival. It is the type of stuff that even makes late late night TV seem normal.

Why does sleep mock me so? Darting about like a sparrow hunting insects in the freshly mown grass. Swift, unpredictable, yet gracefully elusive.

The days are short and light fades fast. It will not be long before the dance will begin again....

the questioned posed...we it be caught tonight?