Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why make the Air Marshall raise your child?

Okay...it takes a village to raise a child has it's merits. However I don't think it affords the parents the ability to just check out.

I was on a flight the other day and a Family unit of four was assigned to the row of seats behind me...( AC DF ).

Of course the adults sat side by side and the 2 child units were across the aisle behind me. Mom instantaneously asleep, either out of exhaustion or taking advantage of the fact someone else would be stuck with the kids. Male figure ( I am guessing Mom's boyfriend and not biological father) trying to ignore the kids but perhaps guilted into dealing with them...

Kids are playing with the trays up/down up/down... nail polish??? do I smell nail polish on a plane. A tiny compartment where the air is recycled. Isn't that rude and shouldn't it be prohibited?
"Have we left the state yet??" "Is that Madeline's house?" what was next "Are we there yet?"

OMG I think I want the Air Marshall to taze them.

NEW FAA regulations should be parents sit in front of their kids or in the seat adjacent to them.

Don't make me suffer for your poor foresight to use contraception.

Now maybe that would be something I would pay extra for - No kids flight like a No Candy aisle at the market.

I was willing to bribe them $5 each to not say a word for the whole flight....and if the did they would have to pay me. (should have had the hutzpah to actually do it).

1 comment:

  1. I came back to read this again.
    It's still funny.

    This should be in print somewhere in a manual...laughs
