Saturday, July 11, 2009

makes you think

as I drift off to sleep I recollect random thoughts of the day and I realize that despite how much I thin I am in control of my life I am not!

Sure we think we are. We think we can change the way we react to situations , that we can learn from our past mistakes and make better decisions......NOT.

Okay well maybe we can but a lot of time we don't. We fall back into the same routines that we have learned, that have become ingrained in our behavior.

We pick the same kind of mates we always have despite how different they seem at first or how different we think they are, even how different we think we have become.

But do we really change? Behavioral patterns and programmed responses take control when we are tired and not cognizant of their presence.

I hope I can be strong enough and aware enough to make the change. I do not want to stay in the detrimental relationships of yore. Stuck in the groundhog day of hell that I view my former life as.

Stick to your guns....Let the promise of a new joy be the Sun that guides you and warms your soul as you begin to enjoy life again....

1 comment:

  1. You're right.

    No, people don't change. The core of a person doesn't change.

    If a person is an extremist, they will remain an extremist until that becomes impossible. What CAN change is directions.

    You can have a person that has an addictive personality, right - and at some time in their life, they might be a drug addict.


    That same person might get off drugs, but the issue is that they still have an addictive personality and that HAS to snake out in some way.

    So, instead they become hooked on, say, exercise. Better way of life than the latter and no one would think it was a bad thing - but the core of them, their addictive nature, is still there.

    Another example, you can take someone that's hightly devoted and they get with the wrong kind of person.

    Then they're just abused.

    If they find the right person though, they're every woman's dream.

    The choices that suit one's personality are the deciding factor when it comes to leading a life wanting to lead.
