Monday, July 20, 2009


OK here is an interesting conversation and it revolves around me being me and the how somethings can just be twisted into such interesting topics.

what is zero? it is the lack of something right? So what is zero degrees? Zero MPH or KPH is the lack of speed or no speed. So is Zero degrees the lack of temperature? Impossible right.
If you have temperature you have some measurable amount.

**so at this point one party is frustrated.

it is a reference to a base point. Like Zero degrees Celsius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Still I argue "So someone just said this is the temperature and I will call it zero and this arbitrary scale will measure the difference from this point?" ridiculous.

somehow this was more interesting before I wrote it - sorry.

Now I meant this to be a legitimate post and not "Fluff" , but I am disappointed in it. I am not going to delete it so you can read something.

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