Thursday, August 13, 2009

4 lettered Words

Well I was beating myself up over not blogging for a while and a four lettered word was uttered.....

Why do four lettered words intigue us so much????
as kids we get all giggley about them , wether we say them or just overhear them.

Work is a four-lettered word, not in the list but somedays it should be.
TGIF ( technically not a word ) but that shouldn't be in the list anyways since it is a good thing.

As kids we can't remember to brush our teeth , how to do long division, if we have homework.... but if we hear a four lettered word in any language... Bam, Zapp, Kapow... imprinted for life in our minds.

oh and on a different subject acronyms becoming words...

TGIF is an acronym right? so is PEBKAC, FUBAR and SNAFU to name of few. some we spell, some we make up words for what they spell. FUBAR = foo-bar, TGIF is not Tee-gif.

So what is with OB/GYN????

it is not an acronym, its an amalgameted abbreviation. so why spell it out? was Ob-gin taken?

that was a 15 minute discussion - which ended in who really knows and who really cares.

.... funny joke about men taking notes - something about there was a call from the Guy No college about the Pabst Beer....I didn't think you liked beer?

anyways I think I am all over the place today, probably from too much drinking on Facebook. :-)

Well off to reak more havoic on society.


1 comment:

  1. Obstetrics & Gynecology!

    Okay, didn't expect to see that one...laughs

    I suppose they could have done The Big OG or something like that...
