Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why people Why?

I have a friend (shocking to some of you /laughs)..
Well he is more like a brother...

He is amongst a group of people that doesn't like the current president. Daily I get emails from him about all the faults of the current administration.

So today i pondered... Why?

Why do people spend hours and hours finding and pointing out these supposed flaws? Do they really think this stuff never happened before? The countless hours and energy spent on this type of undertaking could easily have been directed at something more ...

almost said useful but in retrospect perhaps if the ultimate outcome causes people to become more involved in politics to vote out the fella then it was of some use, perhaps not for the better but I do not judge politics. I have no side, I think they are all crooked to some extent and it boils down to which one is worse.

getting back on topic, productive. Really spend that time promoting a good cause, fight for legislation to find a cure for something like cancer, raise your arms and shout for legislation against child abuse. Carry the torch for the betterment of mankind.

Your guy lost, buck-up and move on. It is not like the country was all roses and sunshine on the day before he took office right????? really ask yourself that.

So again "Why people Why?"

negative energy spurns negativity and that is more of blight than anything else.... strive for some higher ground.

Negative Karma Footprints. If your not going to do any good, do no harm either.

thanks for making me aware and all, but ask me if I care first, because there are many things more important to me...the world, than see what he/she did.

I thought we gave up "Mom, he's touching me... he's on my side of the couch...." in high school.

/steps down from the soapbox and says "Next"

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