Tuesday, January 5, 2010

elusive bastard

...it mocks me. It is the evil twin of the balmy summer breeze. They both stand in the wings and laugh boisterously as I search for them. The icy grip of winter has replaced the comfort of the warmer months and now sleep has run away as well.

Night has become a parade of monodramas. Some more bizarre than the rest leave me puzzled at mornings arrival. It is the type of stuff that even makes late late night TV seem normal.

Why does sleep mock me so? Darting about like a sparrow hunting insects in the freshly mown grass. Swift, unpredictable, yet gracefully elusive.

The days are short and light fades fast. It will not be long before the dance will begin again....

the questioned posed...we it be caught tonight?

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready for spring and longer days and warmer temperatures and a decent amount of alcohol this summer.
