Monday, April 6, 2009

Case of the Mondays?

Office Space is a great source for silly quotes...

One line from that lovely flick is "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays" - well I do for sure. I think there is nothing worse than a shitty Monday to ruin a great weekend and today is a prime example...

I am left wandering in my mind to that whimsical sing-song place where my friends ( okay people that I think are my friends even if they won't admit it publicly) and I have having a wonderful life. The garden is dug and the rabbits aren't eating all the lettuce, ruptured disks are the things that the heroine in the Sci-Fi flick is inflicting on the bastard creature from the Planet Monday-FN-Monday (long silence as I ponder if Bono every thought of that as a Title as Bloody Sunday echoes in the empty halls of my depressed psyche)

Today I feel like I am amongst those wailing souls in the lake that I recall from one of my favorite films - What Dreams May Come - oh the angst in their faces lost adrift from where they should be, that is the mood in my mind's eye.

My normal propensity for jocularity has been oppressed and cast forth from my soul. The creative spark and Joie d'vie are hidden by the overcast gloomy skies of my mood. Oh how I long for return of the sun to my days and whence it does shall it warm the soil and revive the root which does bear the fruit of my creativity...


  1. What Dreams May Come was such a fascinating movie. I liked it and haven't seen one similiar to it as of yet.

    ...and Monday's suck.

  2. I do not recall anyhting that captured the vividness of the dreamworld so artisctically with the sense of reality to the feel of it. It was my first Dolby 5.1 experience at home and I still get chills when I recollect the experience. Probably closest thing might be "300" although the subject matter is so different the intensity of the racounteur is off the charts.

    P.S. Get well soon

  3. 300 was a great movie!

    We just got the HD channels at Time Warner and the detail is amazing.
