Friday, April 3, 2009

Refridgerator Art vs. Traffic Control Devices

...Okay maybe it's the rain. maybe it's the fact that it is Friday and I am sure after I look at my pay stub (yes I do have a real job someplace, and yes they were smart enough to keep me from interfacing with the public)I will have that I just got raped feeling. I am a little grouchy and intolerant of stupidity...

So is there a large percentage of the populous that feels those pretty little lines they paint on the road are just decorations? I mean do these people liken them to the art parents hang on the fridge door? Is it some kind of artistic impression that only the artist, normally a very young child, can interpret correctly leaving the rest of us to just politely nod and so "Oh...that is so nice!"

I may have my concerns on government control going to far, but honestly there are times that it is for the safety of the masses that protocols are put into place! I mean we don't have to be lemmings, but obeying traffic regulations is more than a courtesy. Stay in a lane !!! Any lane just not some free-form modern dance routine where you ebb and flow form side to side.

Thanks, I love life, I do enjoy my car, and even if do not want to go to work I would prefer that to the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. "correctly leaving the rest of us to just politely nod and so "Oh...that is so nice!"...


    I've done that to my own kids!
