Monday, April 13, 2009

Please insert a whitty Title here

Tic-toc tic-toc tic-toc

Time endlessly marches on, it is oblivious to our whims and impractical pleas...

We make feeble attempts to control or manipulate it... DST, leap year. We set clocks ahead to try and convince ourselves we are able to manage time better. We adjust the frivolous , ambiguous name we use to describe "Now" so we can record a moment in our history or frame a reference of elapsed life. 10 AM EDT ? isn't that kinda like counting ounces of water while standing at the edge of Niagara Falls? We are powerless to control it and perhaps that somehow scares us in ways we are not advanced enough to contemplate. Perhaps being able to quantify bits of it lessens it power over us.

If we leave the light on and the closet door ajar, do we fear the monster under the bed less?

I have wasted too much of my time worrying about time; time spent, time to come, how long until, how long since.

Enjoy life and relish in the moments that take your breath away, for after all Life is what happens while were are planning other things.


  1. omg you have the most lovely meloncholy lovely cadence! you need to write a book about longing and love! get on that!

  2. You have to watch spazz... when she says things like, "You should..." and ends it with, "Get on that!"... the words that echo in my head right after are, "BUT NO PRESSURE".........because what she actually means is, "why isn't it done RIGHT NOW ALREADY?!"

    She will corrupt you.

    I have this intimate love, with and for, time. I'm not sure I've ever made too many decisions, if any, that didn't include what the consequences would be in 10 to 20 years from it.

    I'm so utterly time oriented.
    Which is hilarious because I'm ALWAYS LATE.

    Nevertheless, it's still all about time to me. Most precious thing in the world.
