Monday, April 13, 2009

A few quick tidbits...

Ok I know I haven't been posting, I have other things that keep me busy too ya know.

First and foremost I am probably the worst typist over the age of 4. Does it really matter??? Spell check catches most of it, but if I type "teh" instead of "the" you all know what I meant right? I think it was Cambridge that did a study where as long as the first and last letters were in the right place , most of our minds compensated for the other errors and the words mad sense. (ok- teh & the are not an example of this phenomena but whatever.) oh and I think you can google the Cambridge study...I would but I am busy remember?


I have a friend actually I have more than one but this one in particular. I envy her, she is a goddess. If I have any Reiki ( which my brother seems to posses in great abundance I send healing powers and positive energy to her. "I got your back" .... get well soon!!!!!!!!

To an different goddess of intellect - Dig in that garden and grow what you want where...I will stop deprecating myself when you stop wallowing in the negative past.

okay now I am inspired to blog again....

1 comment:

  1. Awww....
    It must be working.
    I didn't want to throw myself in front of a train today more than twice!

    [and that Cambridge study freaks me out, but yes, we all know what you're saying when you type teh]
