Thursday, May 7, 2009

Azreal & Ambriel

behold, I have found them amongst us.....Azreal & Ambriel

as if a veil was lifted their true identities have been revealed.

Azreal the angel of death, quietly passing the days, amusing herself by recanting stories to us. Ever practicing her skills, patiently awaiting the call to duty. Her true calling this death touch lies just below her tumultuous surface, it is the cause of her restlessness. Although she will attest to know her true self it is not in true earnest she does profess it. Hair whose blazen colour likes that of the flames of Hades itself. Her beauty to calm the souls she comes to collect. She is not to be feared for the psychopomp is there to assist us, the lost souls.

We should take pity on her, we should praise her for whom she is. For alas she can only pass time between callings, and during such she chooses to amuse us with the details of her existence.

Ambriel inspires clear communication so that we might better speak our own truth, while gently guiding human beings toward a time when truth and clarity will be the universal norm. She is the counterpoint to Azreal whilst she is not under the call of her duties. She keeps Azreal in check, grounding us in truth. She whispers what we need to know for she is a Capricorn, and Azreal the Aries cannot hear her words of wisdom.

Ambriel protects us with her wisdom, she enlightens us through word and song. She does not sugar coat or exaggerate, merely stating exactly what is so we may face it for what it is. She shall protect and guide you until you disrespect her or threaten someone she loves.

Hail to these Angels, see them for what they are...


  1. Wow! An ode to both Spazz AND Razors and Vines in one post! You are to be applauded for capturing the spirits of your subjects so admirably!

  2. Awww.......................... THANK YOU!
    That was really - very, very sweet.
    I love it.

  3. just grins

    Aside from your already-impressive creative writing skills, you'd be a hell of a ghost-writer, you know that? I'd hire you to take all my insanity and make it sound as good as you just did.

