Friday, May 22, 2009

Odd things said ... that make no sense

Well I am reminded of that character on SNL "Havenagudtime Vishinuwerehere" when he would quip about silly sayings like - Do not cross a bridge 'til you come to it - he posed the reply "no matter how fast you run you cannot cross a bridge until you come to it.

So Today I ponder the merits of "How does it feel to be a year older?"

Yes it is my Birthday and I am older and it has been a year since my last birthday obviously.

But Today I am not a year older - I am 1 day day since yesterday and since it wasn't overnight that a year has passed so how would I be able to grasp that concept.

I reply in an amusing tone, "Hell I can't remember last week let alone last year!"

another interesting phrase is "don't hold your breath" when waiting for something... Like we would really be able to hold our breath that long it is biologically impossible.

okay enough negativity

Pass the cake and ice cream...

I thought I would not feel old until my age exceeded my waist size...Hurry send me some doughnuts I need to add on some inches quick.


  1. Funny, I just got done writing a post about this...

    I don't see that as negativity at all either. It's logical and sound.

    The best years are yet to come!
    Happy Birthday to you!

  2. And I like the new layout better.
    Easier to read.
    Sharp and clear.
    Unlike mine now...

  3. Your layout is way cooler than mine, even if it is harder to navigate around.

    Unique like you, mysterious and alluring like you.

    Special like you.

  4. Another layout?! And I haven't even upgraded mine once yet, except to shorten my title, finally!

    Oh, and Happy Birthday! Cake is the best!

  5. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    gives you a hand made cupcake with lots of icing and a single candle, flame wafting...
